Monday, October 26, 2009

Endorsements that Matter!

Virginians are edorsing Creigh Deeds for Governor because they know that he has the courage and plan to succeed in Virginia. Whethere it is in energy or in education, Creigh has won the support of regular people in the Commonwealth through the smartness of his ideas, bold nature of his campaign, and appeal to the roots of what matters in policy and not politics.

The Virginia Pilot enodorses Deeds saying that, "he offers a political strategy rather than a substantive plan for solving the state's most overwhelming challenge."

On the contrary Bob McDonnell is a chain-link fence of stall tactics designed to distract voters into believing that progress is being made while not providing the money to actually make it. Under a Gov. McDonnell, transportation advocates would waste four years clawing their way over, under and around barriers erected by the state's top elected official.

These are legitimate worries that Virginians are struggling to communicate to one another in the final days of the campaign. The endorsements matter in that now it is not a national party telling Virginia that they should believe in just any hope and change, but rather a man that will be fighitng for them every day in office.

Read more of the endorsement at:

While the papers are carefully analyzing the views of the campaigns, it is the duty of each Virginian to continue the conversation at home at the dining room table. Remember that a couple phone calls to fellow Virginians or going to their doors to bring the message of good jobs for Virgnia with Creigh is what matters in these finals days.

Volunteer with Creigh on his website:

"We've got a election in nine days and I need your help ... I'm here to tell you that the work is not finished."

Creigh Deeds SOURCE: Hampton Roads Daily Press


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